Seminar by Dr.Sparsh Mittal on "Improving clarity in paper writing"

Seminar by Dr.Sparsh Mittal on “Improving clarity in paper writing”

Title: Improving clarity in paper writing
Speaker: Dr. Sparsh Mittal


Talk on “Improving Clarity In Paper Writing” - This talk provides many tips for effectively conveying your research ideas, summarizing past work, making clear diagrams, showing experimental results and avoiding common errors in paper-writing, etc. To illustrate these tips, examples are quoted from many nicely (and not so nicely) written research papers.

These tips are useful for writing a research paper or thesis, and may be useful even for making a power point presentation. While some of the points may be specific to speaker’s research area and experience, most points are expected to be useful for any researcher regardless of his/her research area. This talk is especially useful for beginning researchers. Video Link -

Speaker’s Bio:

Dr. Sparsh Mittal is a faculty member in CSE department. He has written more than 65 research papers. His webpage is here:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - 16:00 to 17:00